Monday, February 19, 2007

World Trade Centre

As this title suggests the movie is about the horrific incidents that occurred on September 11th. The movie is primarily about two policemen who become trapped beneath the rubble of the World Trade Centre collapse and their story of survival and rescue. There was dramatic music which was meant to accompany the script in pulling emotions out from the viewer but it just didn't happen. In contrast, the movie Flight 93 which is also based on the events on 9/11 brought out far more emotion from the viewer. They used unknown actors and it was not sensationalised like "World Trade Centre". I also do not enjoy watching Nicholas Cage so that took some enjoyment from the movie. If you are wanting to choose a movie to watch about 9/11 then choose Flight 93 and then watch the directors comments for more insight on what happened on that day.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hi Michele
I like your blog. Thanks for writing these reviews. Have a look at your email bc i've invited you to join so we can write things for our reading group.
have you seen any good films lately?
how was your trip?
rebecca x